Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Diuretic Activity of Fresh Balloonvine Leaves free essay sample

This study was conducted to know the diuretic activity of the extract of the balloonvine (Cardiospermum halicacabum L. ) leaves. In this study, three groups were used. These includes the positive control group (furosemide 20mg/2ml), experimental group (balloonvine leaves extract), and the control group (water treated). The fresh leaves of balloonvine were extracted by pounding the leaves and then squeezed using a clean cloth. The mice were also weighed to determine the allowable dosage according to its weight. After the preparation of the groups, 3 trials were conducted. In the first trial, furosemide (positive control) has the most volume of urine, followed by the balloonvine leaves extract (experimental group) and the control group, which is the water treated has the least volume of urine. The next two trials have the same results as of trial 1. This means that furosemide is still the best diuretic drug but balloonvine leaves extract can also be used as a substitute since it has excreted more volume of urine than of the water treated group (control group) but not as good as the furosemide do. We will write a custom essay sample on The Diuretic Activity of Fresh Balloonvine Leaves or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The researchers recommend further studies using other parts of the plant and using higher concentration to prove whether balloonvine can be more effective if used in higher dosage and to have more investigation of the plant. Acknowledgment The researchers would like to express their sincere gratitude to those who helped them finished this project. Their parents for the financial support, moral support and understanding. They contributed a lot to finish this project. Mrs. Sharon Meriales for the advices and the help se extended to the group. The Jhing2 printing press for the printing and discounts. In this natural world, lots of efforts were made by the people to achieve a better quality of life and for man’s survival. A lot of people were making alternatives and medicine for the health of the mankind. Plants are commonly used by people to cure many diseases for many years. Nowadays, medicines are very expensive and because of that, the less fortunate ones cannot afford to buy some. Because of that, they can use herbal medicines as an alternative drug. God provided many herbal plants all over the world and Philippines is of no exception. As a matter of fact, Philippines is blessed with many plants that can be use as a treatment for many diseases. Cardiospermum halicabum linn. of family Sapindaceae is also known as balloonvine, heartpea, Love-in-a Puff, Parol-parolan, Lobo-lobohan, Maria-maria, Otot-otot and etc. Balloonvine is found throughout the Philippines in waste places, roadsides, fields and other grassy areas. It is a more or less hairy vine, one to three meters in length. The leaves are trifoliate and five to nine centimeters long. The flowers are small, white and about 2. 5 millimeters long. They contain round black seeds, each with a white heart-shaped spot at the base, hence the name Cardiospemum, cardio for the heart and spermum for seed. Balloonvine, is a woody vine native to Tropical America. The small white flowers bloom from summer through the fall. Flowers are not very showy. The fruit of this plant can also be eaten when it is already yellow orange in color. (http://www. plantoftheweek. org/week256. shtml) The ballonvine plant yields saponins, tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids, proanthocyanidin, apigenin, phytosterols, glycosides, and cardiac glycosides. There are health benefits from balloonvine. It is considered antiphlogistic, analgesic, anti-inflammator, anti-infectious, emetic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, laxative, stomachic and sudorific. Since the plant has many uses, the researchers come up with the idea to test the diuretic activity of the extract of the balloonvine leaves as a substitute to synthetic diuretic drugs. As what have the group discussed that this study may give us more knowledge on this certain balloonvine plant. Statement of the Problem The study was conducted to test the diuretic ability of balloonvine leaves. Distinctively, it addressed to the following questions: 1. What is the amount of the collected urine among the different set-up? a. Experimental group b. Positive control group c. Negative control group 2. Is there any significant difference in the efficiency of balloonvine to the commercialize (i. e. furosemide) products as a diuretic drug? 3. Objectives 1. To test whether the balloonvine leaves can really act as a diuretic drug. 2. To know if there is any significant difference in the efficiency of balloonvine to the commercialize products as a diuretic drug. This study dealt with the diuretic activity of the balloonvine leaves extract. It refers to the hypothesis: HO1: There is no significant difference on the effectiveness of the commercial drug and the fresh balloonvine leaves extract. Significance of the Study: This study generally aims to contribute to the popularization of plants as sources of remedies for man and animals. Nowadays, time seems to move faster, the economy are soaring high thus the drugs are becoming more expensive. Hence, the unfortunate ones can use herbal plant like balloonvine as a substitute to synthetic diuretic drugs. Balloonvine is accessible to all since it grows commonly in roadsides. Using this plant, we could also create herbal products that could help individuals in their illness without buying expensive medicines. Scope and Limitations This study was limited only to the determination of the diuretic activity of the fresh balloonvine leaves extract. The positive control used was commercial drug (furosemide) and the negative control was the mice that were just treated with water. Chapter II Review of Related Literature Balloonvine Cardiospermum halicacabum linn or balloonvine are fast growing to 10 feet (3 m) with twice 3-parted leaves that will reach 4 inches (10 cm) long. The plants climb with tendrils and need some form of support. The fruit from which the plant gets its common name is a brown, thin-shelled, inflated angled capsule up to 1 1/8 inch (3 cm) in diameter containing 3 black seeds each, with a white heart-shaped scar. (http://www. plantoftheweek. org/week256. shtml). Balloonvine,  also called Heart-pea, or Heart-seed, (species Cardiospermum halicacabum), woody perennial vine in the soapberry family (Sapindaceae). It is naturalized and cultivated widely as an ornamental for its white flowers and its nearly globular inflated fruits, which are about 2. 5 cm (1 inch) across. The seeds are black with a heart-shaped white spot. (http://www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/50726/balloon-vine). This vine is densely growing and can climb up to 8 m high in the canopy. The main mode of climbing is via extensive tendrils, which twirl around supporting structure and other plants. (http://www. dpi. qld. gov. au/4790_7120. htm) The balloonvine has a light green leaves are compound with three sets of three leaflets which are thin and softly hairy. http://www. plantoftheweek. org/week256. shtml) The flowers are produced from summer to winter. The capsules can be carried by wind and float freely on water. It also regrows from root fragments. It grows rapidly on top of trees, forms a thick curtain of stems, and excludes light, harbors pests and diseases. The weight of balloonvine contributes to canopy collapse and ecosystem destruction. (http:www. weedsbluemountains. org. au/balloon_vine. asp) . The oil of this plant is also used in creams and soap. It is an active ingredient in creams, lotion and soap. It is also used as a cure for dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis. A decoction of roots of balloonvine is regarded as diaphoretic. It is also indicated that balloonvine contains: saponin, tannin, calcium oxalate in leaves and tannins, calcium oxalate and sulfur in stem. (http:www. suite101. com/content/cardiospermum-halicacabum-a187594). The plant also contains chemicals that can be used as laxative, emmenagogue, analgesic and many more. It also contains saponins, tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids, proanthocyanidin, apigenin and phytosterols. It may contain chemicals that can be used as a diuretic. http:www. weedsbluemountains. org. au/balloon_vine. asp) The medical uses of the plant are widely used in Thailand. Its Thai name is Khok Kra Om. The leaf is antiasthmatic. Leaf juice can be a cough remedy. Its stem is antipyretic. The Flower or leaf juice of this plant increases menstrual discharge. The whole plant is antiasthmatic; treatment of arthritis Balloon vines leaf extract possesses hypotensive and anti-inflammatory properties.

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